Understanding Good and Evil

Through the depths of ages, the old myths and legends have preserved for us a half-forgotten memory of the times when our world seemed to have been a rather different place from what we know now.

In different traditions that time is referred to as “The Golden Age”, “The Age of Gods”, “Aetas Aurea”, “Artezishn”, “Satya Yuga” and so on. The religious and philosophical traditions of different cultures seem to share a common understanding that the current state of things has not been here since the beginning. There was a time when this world was whole and people lived in harmony and peace.

GoodThe subsequent contamination of this world with evil has created terrible damage, both on the physical as well as the spiritual level. Over centuries, many people have got confused and lost their direction, thus spreading malevolent concept of equality of Good and Evil or even positioning evil as a necessary element of life.

We need to put things clear and banish such preposterous concepts for our mind once and for all. Good and evil are not abstract metaphysical concepts, but rather factual forces existing in our world. What we call ‘good’ is a summary positive energy of Light, through which this Universe was born and which still permeates on the elemental level every particle of Creation. Evil, which appeared later, is the summary bad energy spread onto different spheres; and can be perceived as a virus, some kind of a disease, which this world is suffering from. Saying that Good and Evil are equal is as absurd as saying that a healthy person and a disease are the same kind of thing.

Let’s now discover some principal differences between Good and Evil.

The Battle

First of all, Good can exist on its own, while evil can’t. Evil needs something to parasite on, to support its existence. For example, a healthy person can live long and happily and he doesn’t need an illness to support his life; but a virus will die if isolated from the organ affected.

Secondly, Evil never creates anything on its own, as it doesn’t have a creative force. All Evil does is becomes a parasite, feeding on someone else’s creation, while distorting and ruining it at the same time.

Thirdly, the nature of Evil is much more primitive than the nature of Good (a virus has a very primitive structure comparing to a human body), but very much like physical viruses it keeps mutating and readjusting itself to the new conditions (similarly to the virus of flu, which still hasn’t been eliminated despite the modern science achievements). We all know that the simpler the structure, the more resilient it is to the outer factors, while complex structures are usually much more delicate.

Lastly, it’s a huge mistake to think that Good and Evil came to some agreement and shared the spheres of influence in this world. It’s obviously true that at the moment in certain regions Evil seem to be stronger, while in others – weaker. However, we must never think that this is how it was meant to be. Originally, all places were free from Evil, similarly like all organs of a healthy baby are created to function in a healthy way. Being affected by Evil is only a temporary state, like being affected by a disease. Even if at present a disease is progressing and spreading onto new organs, it’s ridiculous to think that the decease is an inherent part of the body or even worse – to take its side and help it ruining the healthy balance, under the excuses that “this is the way this world is”.

The example with a virus is much closer to the reality than you might have thought – the physical illnesses people experience are nothing but the result of being exposed to the influence of Evil on the physical level.

This will be explained in more detail in the next article about the subject.

Our task here is to help this world to recover through eliminating Evil from our minds and our lives. Once we have the understanding of its nature, self-diagnosis becomes much more easy and effective.

We need to realise on the deeper level that live without Evil is the ultimate goal and also what we truly deserve. For as long as we believe that ‘life is suffer’ and ‘one needs to experience pain to understand happiness’, we will keep the gates wide open for any pain, grief, fear and misfortune to enter our lives. It’s time to become our own guardians and strive to keep our thoughts and hearts clear from negative influences, thus promoting happiness and wellbeing.


Forget the misconception you’ve leant in the past. To enjoy health, joy and happiness you don’t need to go through pain and darkness. You don’t need any heart-breaking experiences to ‘earn the right to be happy’. You deserve all the best things right this moment. Repeat it to yourself like a mantra, until your mind accepts and embraces the new wisdom.

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