The Power Of Thoughts – Introduction Into Egregores

We often hear that ‘thoughts have a real power’, most people tend to perceive this phrase as some sort of an allegory, though.

Meanwhile, its meaning should be taken absolutely literally. Our thoughts are what creates our lives, influences our health, successes or failures and also initiate the process what we call ‘karma’.

Thought are energyLet’s look at it closer.It was only recently that the scientists managed to discover that our thoughts have a mass. They conducted an experiment, in which the ultra-precise scales have shown that a person mass was slightly increasing during a process of intensive visualisation and decreasing while in trance. There were also allegedly successful attempts of photographing thoughts, which revealed that positive thoughts have a regular structure and clear colours, while negative thoughts are ugly misshaped and their colours are murky.  That corresponds with the discovery of a Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, who managed to establish a link between our thoughts and crystals of water. In his experiment, Emoto wrote words in different languages and attached them to test-tubes. He then froze the samples of water and photographed the crystals. Comparing to the crystals of ‘untreated’ water, the samples which were exposed to the influence of different words, changed their shapes in accordance to the meaning. Water from the test-tubes with words like ‘thank you’, ‘love’, ‘harmony’ etc has developed beautifully formed crystals, while the samples treated with hateful words produced crystals which were visibly distorted.

emoto water crystalsOur bodies consist of 70% water. If a thought was able to influence a sample of water in a short period of time, imagine what is happening to our bodies, exposed to our thoughts all the time!

To find out, what causes that, let’s resort to the laws of physics (or methaphysics if you please.) Each of you can effortlessly move material objects with just the power of your thought. If you don’t believe me, raise your hand or shake your head. That’s it, you’ve done it! You’ve made a physical object (your body) move, using nothing, but your thoughts! But wonders which happen every day soon seize to amaze us, which is the usual way of things. Nevertheless, if you think about it, you will realise that you in fact perform a small miracle every time you move around. Our brain, which controls our body, sends electrical signals to different muscles and organs. What makes our brain work? Our mind. What is our mind? Energy.

Every thought we produce can be perceived like a small ‘bubble’, which stays around for a while but then separates and slowly drifts away. In other words, our thoughts are our own energy, ‘leaking out’ from our system. To understand what happens next, we need to recall one of the most important ideas in physics, known as the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Those small ‘balls of energy’ charged with our concepts and beliefs, once separated, start their independent existence. They have properties similar to magnetic, so they naturally attract other particles of energy with a similar ‘charge’. This is when it gets really interesting. You will now discover the underlying principles of our society, a gullible victim of what can be described by ‘contamination with thoughts’.

Every day you are exposed to an uncountable number of thoughts – when meeting friends, being on the bus or at work, watching TV etc. Many of them ‘cling’ to you, attracted by your energy field. Unbeknownst to you, those thoughts stay in your aura and can act like viruses, contaminating your mind. This is why many people can be easily opinionated and susceptible to any kind of suggestions or mental induction. We are trained to protect our bodies from dirt and bacteria, but we are not trained to protect our minds from contamination. Because of that, we tend to accept ALL thoughts which we can detect inside our mind as our own. This is a huge trap, which makes many people do things, or even sacrifice themselves for the ideas, which are not even theirs!

We are not taught how to distinguish our own thoughts and ideas from those we ‘pick up’ from the outer world, which unfortunately leaves many people completely defenceless against bad influences, especially young people. I believe mental self-defence should be a part of our education; it would have a massive positive impact on our lives. I have been teaching my students such techniques, and they found them extremely useful.

Such properties of thoughts have also a positive side – thanks to them we can attract people with similar views and ideas, who may become our friends. They also ensure continuity of our cultures and civilisations – every new born baby is surrounded by a ‘cloud of thoughts’, coming from their parents and their friends, a TV or a radio switched on in the room next door or people passing by in the street. A baby can’t yet understand words, but on the subconscious level the thoughts that he picks up create a pattern though which he will see the world when growing up.

When many thoughts get together, they can create a big and powerful structure called an egregore. Egregore is a stable conglomeration of thought energy, which has self-preserving and expansive tendencies and has the ability to influence people’s minds and behaviour without their knowledge. Every idea has its own egregore – there are small ones, like an egregore of a family or a boutique as well as really big ones, like the egregores of countries, religions and core values. The bigger the egregore, the stronger it becomes and the greater number of people it can influence. For more information, please have a look at my earlier article here.

How do we get under the control of egregores? First of all, we generate thoughts of a certain frequency, infused by certain ideas. Those thought then float away and get absorbed by an appropriate egregore (it could be an egregore of finding a job, for example.) Once contact has been established, the egregore can send you messages back, in form of small pieces of energy. Those ‘energy bubbles’ are ‘slivers’ of opinions belonging to hundreds and hundreds other people, thinking in the same direction. People, who don’t realise what is happening, can be easily influenced by such induction, which leads them astray.  Why does such invisible influence always work against them? The answer is quite simple – it overshadows their own dreams and ideas, replacing them with something else, which wasn’t meant for that person. For example, let’s go back to our example of a young man looking for a job. He may know exactly what he would like to do, and he may also have every chance to succeed and find a job of his dreams. Most people don’t succeed though, despite of their skills and experience. What will happen next is quite predictable: at the moment, the ‘ruling’ egregores are those of company workers, managers and businessmen. All people who don’t ‘fit’ into those frames are being challenged by others, who are already connected to the appropriate egregores. As a result, in the mind of a young job seekers get implanted a thought that: “Times are hard. Don’t even try to find a job you like, it won’t happen. Apply to work for a company instead, it’s your only chance.” It’s not true, but that person is made to believe that it’s true. There’s a big difference.

If he goes to work for a company, he too will get connected to ‘the egregore of company workers’, which will make the latter a little stronger with a fresh supply of thought energy. The egregore will then have a little more power to push someone else away from his or her destined path. And grow stronger again. And so it continues.

People who get under the influence of an egregore will be exposed to many hardships they neither need nor deserve. Why does that happen? From an egregore’s point of view, we are noting more but disposable batteries. If one is gone, there will be another one to replace it. It a similar attitude we have to the cells in our body – do we care, how many of them die daily? There are new ones constantly created and as long as that keeps us going, we are not concerned.

Egregores don’t have ‘intellect’ or ‘mentality’, but they have something which resembles a self-preservation instinct. In other words, they want to survive and grow bigger. They are very much like huge energy amoebas – they are not aware of their own existence, but they do have a will to live. To survive for them means to receive more energy that a neighbouring egregore. That can be done through increasing a number of members (well, in fact ‘slaves’…) and to make the existent ones produce more energy. When, do you think, you produce more energy – when you are happy and relaxed, or when you’re stressed, angry or sad? Of course, you send out more energy when you’re under stress. So it’s in the egregore’s interest to ‘adjust’ your thoughts and behaviour every so little each time – leading you to situations where you will feel unhappy and the level of the energy you send increases. Constant stress and depression may lead to health problems and even shorten people’s lives – but the egregores are not affected by moral values. The bigger they grow, the more people they can influence – and it’s all that matters, as far as they are concerned.

Our society is now taken over by the egregore of making money at any cost – even at a cost of destroying one’s health. For any free-willed person, such an idea would be an absolute nonsense. Why would anyone want to get coins and banknotes, losing in the process all the most important things – health, relationships, families and even their own life? Unfortunately though, when people get under the influence of an egregore, their analysing ability becomes heavily affected. We used to go to work, to get some money we need and enjoy our lives for the rest of the time. What is happening now is that we work until we drop (feeling constantly unhappy about such state of things), then we waste lots of money on something we don’t need (because we are frustrated watching our lives passing by and forced to do a job we often dislike, so we subconsciously want to ‘reward’ ourselves somehow – but because the things we buy can’t feel the emptiness inside, our frustration doesn’t disappear.) We may then pay an expensive therapist, who will say something about childhood traumas or some other issues and we may even fool ourselves that everything is fine – for a while. Unless we meet a person who will explain to us that our frustration comes from being led astray from our real Path – the underlying feeling of unhappiness will stay. Most of us are also not self-confident enough to rebel and step outside the lines, start living their truth, or speaking their minds, because they are afraid that by doing so, they would lose approval and acceptance from others. And they inevitably do, because people, who are connected to some egregore won’t approve the behaviour of those disobedient. That’s why many people chose pain and slavery over freedom and happiness, which is within their reach.

We need to learn things about ourselves, and to respect and appreciate ourselves as individuals, so we can become strong enough to shake off any yoke and break through any limits.

6 thoughts on “The Power Of Thoughts – Introduction Into Egregores

  1. Pingback: Making Dreams Come True | The Diamond Tablet

  2. Very Interesting. I haven’t come across the term egregore before. It sounds very similar to the Collective Consciousness that Jung talks about. Also Eckhart Tolle in his book ‘A New Earth’ talks about individual and collective pain bodies – negative energy bodies with their own will to live.

    1. That’s right, people who are unfamiliar with the term ‘egoregore’ often refer to the phenomenon as ‘collective (sub)conscious’, but I think that using more precise terms helps to define the phenomenon better that therefore make it easier to understand. The word ‘egregore’ itself is not new, but I suppose this area of research may be too specialist for most people to become a part of common knowledge, at last until now.

  3. No, not at all. The word itself derives from the Greek word ἑγρήγορος (which means “Watcher”.)

    At the beginning it mostly tended to appear in the magical literature, for example Eliphas Lévi in Le Grand Arcane (“The Great Mystery”, 1868) identifies “egregors” with the tradition concerning the “Watchers”, describing them as “terrible beings” that “crush us without pity because they are unaware of our existence.”

    We can find references to the term in the modern times as well, for example, Gaetan Delaforge in 1987 defines an egregore as a kind of “group mind which is created when people consciously come together for a common purpose.”

  4. Pingback: …and they crucified Him… | The King on the Cross

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